Virtual Field Trips

What are Virtual Field Trips?

Virtual field trips are an online resource that teachers can use that teachers the ability to travel to places that may not be possible otherwise.

Why should a teacher use a Virtual Field Trip?

Web based field trips are a great tool for teachers for many reasons! To begin web based fields allow teachers to take field trips that can last anywhere from five to forty minutes long. This means the teacher has the ability to show a short field trip and still incorporate a lesson. Virtual field trips also allow a class to travel around the world without cost and back in time without the technology. For example teachers in New Jersey can now use this technology to see the Colosseum in Rome. Virtual field trips also allow teachers in low income communities or communities that otherwise could not afford the trip.

Where can I find some of these resources?

Virtual Field Trips are a great resource for many teachers because they are easily accessible online. Below is a couple of links that bring to websites that offer free Virtual Field Trips.
    For example teachers in New Jersey can now use this technology to see the Colosseum in Rome. This can be seen in the link below.


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